And She’s Off

Aside from today being Eric’s birthday, which was traumatic enough, today was also the day Shannon set off for Europe. That’s just the first stop in her round the world tour.

Hubby and I drove her down to Dulles Airport this morning. Of course I had to take my camera. And make them pose for a goodbye pic.

They were both looking all sad, so I had to give them a hard time.

“Come on. Smile,” I commanded.

And they smiled. Sort of. But that’s better than being all sad, right?

I mean this is a great adventure for Shannon.

Then it was my turn to say goodbye…

Nuff said about that being sad stuff.

Hubby made us smile, too.

Then she was off…

At 5:08 PM ET I received an e-mail from the SPOT Satellite GPS (mentioned in yesterday’s post) that Shannon’s carrying with her. The automated message, set up to let us know she’d arrived safely as soon as she turned it on, said “Checking in to say that I’m okay and having a great time!” There was a link, too, which showed her exact location. See picture below or click here to follow the link for yourself (you can zoom in if you do).