My Memory is Failing

Hubby and I both use the SWConnect app and Spotwalla when we are traveling. Not only does it keep track of where we’ve been — nice to have to look back on for future reference — it also allows us to keep an eye on each other to make sure all is okay. Assuming everything works as it should.

My recent trip really was completely unplanned. I set up the trip tracker before I left the house, but I didn’t test it. It had been over a year since I’d used the thing, and I forgot I’d gotten a new phone since last using the SWConnect app. After making some minor adjustments, it appeared to be working. But that was short-lived.

The app runs on my cell phone. When in the mountains, cell coverage can be quite spotty. The way the app is supposed to work is that it stores your locations/track even when there is no cell coverage, but then uploads the track data when you’re in an area with cell reception or Wifi. That wasn’t happening.

If you look at the tracker map, you’ll see a bunch of straight lines. One time, it even put me somewhere I didn’t go, due south of Oak Ridge, Tennessee. It was weird. We couldn’t figure out why. Not until my last night on the road when Hubby said maybe my phone was full.

Hmmm. That night, I deleted some videos and old pictures. The next day, the tracker worked! Who knew that would cause a problem? Not me, obviously.

It HAD been awhile since I deleted any pics. In fact, that’s nothing something I do on a regular basis. (I think I may be an image hoarder, but don’t tell anyone I said that.) So, yesterday and today, I spent several HOURS deleting images. Yep, hours. As it turns out, I deleted about 4,200 files.

Holy guacamole, that’s a lot of images! The ones that I kept have been moved to a computer and I am now in the process of saving them to the proper place on our network.

Now, I just need to remember to delete pics more often. Or maybe take fewer pictures, LOL.