Before leaving Virginia, I’d mapped out some must-see sights. It just so happened that the original Rudy’s Country Store and BBQ was along our route.
Now y’all knew I couldn’t revisit Texas without stopping at Rudy’s, right?

I had to take Hubby to Rudy’s so he could taste their brisket. I wanted him to understand exactly why I have been urging him to smoke some brisket for me at home.

Doesn’t that look yummy?
I’m pretty sure Hubby said, “Oh my God…” after his first bite.

I know I did. In fact, I probably said it more than once. That creamed corn is delicious, too.
It’s literally whole kernels of corn floating in buttery, heavy cream.

It was a dinner we both REALLY enjoyed. After we ate, I snapped a few pics of the establishment.

Then we continued our trek toward San Antonio. Our last must-see sight for the day was actually close to downtown.

An Indian Muffler Man.
Unfortunately, he was mounted high in the air atop two poles. So that’s not a great angle.
And it made for another awkward MM-growing-out-of-my-head selfie.

Getting a better shot would have required crossing a four-land road full of heavy rush-hour traffic. I didn’t mind the gaggle of used car salesmen chuckling at my photo shoot, but I didn’t want to risk my life crossing that swath of hot macadam.
The next one isn’t too bad.

At least you can see his cool headdress in that shot.
Two Muffler Men in one day. Awesome, eh? A cowboy AND an Indian in Texas.
Sadly, there were no more Muffler Man sightings during our brief trip, but I do have pics from Saturday and Sunday still to share.
Y’all come back now, ya hear?