I miss blogging. Not just the act of blogging, either. I miss the life I had back when I was blogging regularly. The world today is just soooooo weird, in so many ways.
I am not the same person I was back then. I think that’s true for a lot of people. The world is changing faster than ever, and humanity seems to be changing right along with it. For better or worse. Don’t believe me? Have you seen the Netflix movie, The Social Dilemma? That link will take you to the trailer. It’s simultaneously interesting and disturbing on a rather deep level.
Anyway… this post is about Fall. I LOVE Fall. I mean, I love Spring, too, but I think Fall is my absolute favorite time of year. And that day, a week ago, when I was out walking and shooting pics to share with you, the weather was perfect. Not too hot, not too cold. And the sky was SUCH a beautiful, deep blue.
Most of these shots are straight out of the camera. Some were cropped, but I didn’t do any other photo manipulation. It really was a picture-perfect Fall day in the Virginia Piedmont. I hope you enjoy the pics, and the mini tour.

The next two images are very similar, yet very different. Which one do you like best and why? The difference between the two was achieved simply by taking two steps forward.

The last shot is my favorite.

Next post, I’ll tell you about our longest camping trip yet. It was lovely.