Take K as an example. K is actually a little faster than Belle (she has longer legs). But I doubt K will ever catch a squirrel.
Here’s why… (your sound has to be turned on or you won’t “get” this at all)
We’ve been working on the squeaking thing. This video is actually a few weeks old. She’s gotten better. But she still squeaks.
And if she sees something out there to chase, she practically screams.
I guess it’s her way of saying, “I’m coming to get you nasty little critters that insist on invading my yard, eating all my birdseed and leaving little round poo pellets everywhere.”
She’d probably leave the poo pellets part off, though, because she, like every other dog we’ve ever had here, loves nothing more than sniffing out and eating squirrel poo.
Dogs can sure be gross.