Happy Spring Day

We didn’t come to the WV Place last weekend (one of Shannon’s girlfriends, who we’d never met, came to the MD house to visit). So I was looking doubly forward to this weekend to see what changes the coming of Spring had wrought.

One of my favorite things to do is walk through the woods, looking, listening, and just observing all the subtle natural changes.

I was delighted to see the trees have started blooming.

"Hello, Spring!"

I was especially happy to see the Redbuds have started blooming. That’s when you know Spring is really here.

Rudbud Tree Starting to Bloom

I was also very tickled to see this little butterfly (or moth). It was only about an inch and a half long.

"Hello, little butterfly!"

Another of my favorite pastimes is watching the dogs enjoying their freedom in the woods. Each and every one of them absolutely LOVE the WV place.

K in one of her rare moments without her head buried in something.

I swear they all run around with big, silly grins on their faces when they are here.

K the Hunter

That’s K in a more-familiar state. If you ever wonder why I post more pictures of Meg and Belle than I do of K, this is why. She’s usually got her head buried under something or is dashing like a crazy dog through the trees sniffing stuff. I think she has some cat blood in her. She’s supposed to be a bird dog, not a rodent hunter.

Click here for a larger version of this image.

Belle is a follower. She and K were just walking along when K decided to stick her head under that stump. Belle stopped and looked back as if to say, “Hey, wait a minute. What’s under there?”

The Tag-Team

Belle just had to go back for a better look. K was by that point shoulder-deep under the stump. And Belle was watching closely to see what she would find.

Bored Tree Cavity

The previous evening, the two young ones had bored out this tree cavity. No rodent is safe in our yard. Not one.

Waiting for Dad

This was Meg earlier in the day, waiting for Hubby to come back from town with lunch. My lunch, not her lunch.

Speaking of Meg, while the young girls were chasing rodents, she was off doing some hunting of her own.

Look what she found…

Meg wins the prize for finding the largest bone EVER.

That is a big bone. I have no idea where she got it. The thing is, it didn’t smell all nasty and decayed like most stuff they drag home. It sorta-kinda smelled like ham. Which makes me think Meg may have robbed one of the neighbor’s smokers.

You should have seen Belle’s eyes light up when she saw Meg walk past with that big-ass bone.

"Can I have some?"

K was too busy hunting to notice the bone right away. But she did finally notice right before I took it from Meg.

They were all looking at me as if to say, “Aw, c’mon, Mama. Where’d you put the bone?”

What sort of Spring changes are happening in your neck of the woods?

4 Replies to “Happy Spring Day”

  1. It really is so much fun to watch the dogs do their thing! We’ve had an invasion/plague of muskrats and our dog has been going nuts for them. *Good doggie*

    On the other hand. I’ve resigned myself to the fact that Spring will never ever arrive here. Never ever. Damn climate change.

  2. Are you sure you should have posted those beautiful Spring pictures? After all the subject of You Capture next week is Spring. 🙂
    On the other hand I could never see too many (or even enough) pictures of your girls. They are so photogenic and you’re such a good photographer. I did have a thought though. I’ll bet if I had one of them, I wouldn’t have the squirrel problems that I do!

  3. Mary, I did think about You Capture as I was posting those. But I have more. 🙂

    I’m glad you enjoy my doggie pics. These critters are the most entertaining bunch. If we lived nearby, K and I would have to come over for a visit. Your squirrel problem would be solved in no time flat.

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