Fame and Fortune

The girls and I are going to be famous. For real.

You never know when your 15 seconds of fame will arrive, do you?

Don’t worry, though. You’ll be able to say you knew me when.

We had some thunderstorms roll through tonight. So our walk was a bit later than usual. I was actually afraid it wasn’t going to happen. But the storm passed, so off we went.

The sky looked really cool. Dark, gray storm clouds interspersed with deep-blue twilight sky in one direction. Sunset in the other direction with red sky lighting up a line of flattish clouds. The light that was shining on the buildings was amazing.

I was bopping along behind the three dogs wishing I had my camera. Especially as we were walking past the Red Truck Bakery, one of the more picturesque corners in town.

There was a guy across the street from the bakery shooting pictures.

“That’s going to be a good one,” I said to him as we passed. After we’d crossed to the bakery side of the street, I heard an “Excuse me!” When I turned, the camera guy was trotting toward us. Turns out, he’s with a big-name, national magazine doing a story on the bakery. He asked if I’d mind posing with the girls in front of the bakery. He even had props (newspaper and coffee cup).

It was a hoot.

I’ll tell you the magazine name if we actually appear in the issue. Which is scheduled for October.

That would totally make my day.

He had me sit on the bench “reading” the newspaper while drinking from my empty coffee cup as the girls sat not-so-patiently waiting for me to finish.

I’ll be amazed if we actually make the cut. Who knows, though. Stranger things have happened.

5 Replies to “Fame and Fortune”

  1. If you make the cut (which I’m sure you will!) remember to get an extra copy for me!! I always knew you’d be famous one day. 🙂

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