In the Hole…

So, the tag sale didn’t go as well as expected.

In the Hole

I did sell some stuff. A good bit of stuff, actually. Just not as much as I had hoped to sell.

My chairs, radio, and church are still homeless. Living with Hubby and I for the time being, of course. As opposed to living out on the street.

A lot of the inventory I acquired to make the tag sale worthwhile did sell. But I am still in the hole.

I have already taken a good bit of it to a local consignment shop. Small stuff.

The problem with taking the bigger items to the same shop is the exorbitant rates they charge (they get 60% of the sale price).

There are quite a few things I’ll be listing on eBay, too. But I’m not sure if I want to fool with shipping big items.  I’ll have to test the waters with local pick-up

I still have plenty of stuff to paint. I’ll focus on getting the items I want to keep for myself painted first. Maybe while doing that, I can come up with a better plan for re-homing future items.

Hopefully, whatever new scheme I decide on will work out better than the tag sale…

4 Replies to “In the Hole…”

  1. Kathy:

    I used to frequent swap meets, flea markets and garage sales looking for cameras or other photographic equipment. I have had tables at swap meets and it was just a chore buying and selling. Often things would be broken and I would have to pay to get them repaired, thus losing money. It took me many years of not bringing stuff home, but I still have piles of stuff of which has no value now that digital has taken over. It took me many years to kick the flea market habit. So I do know how it feels to be “stuck” with stuff of value which no one wants. At least my stuff will fit into drawers and not just sitting in your hallway tripping over them everytime you go in and out

    Riding the Wet Coast

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