Like when you eat a hot fudge sundae perched atop a freshly made funnel cake and LOVE it. How can you forget that?

Or, that time you not only enjoyed a moment with a special someone, but also managed to capture it perfectly on camera without really even trying.

Gaige is our middle grand child. During our visit to Washington in February 2014, we walked together to this little park called Sunset Point, hoping to see a sunset. What a LOVEly memory.
And what about faces? Who ever really forgets the faces of loved ones?

LOVE those expressions!
Or the excitement when your loved one, young or old, finally gets a toy they’ve been wanting for the longest time?

Why am I always taking pictures? Because capturing special moments is priceless. No matter how mundane those moments may seem to someone else.
I didn’t really forget this LOVE, either.

I captured that one during our Mothers’ Day ride with Aunt Bertha. It’s at DuCard Vineyards in Etlan, Virginia.

The DuCard LOVEwork is artfully crafted, I’ll give it that. But it needs a stronger background. It sorta blends in. I’ll bet it looks awesome in Winter under a fresh blanket of clean, white snow.
I didn’t want it to get lost in the ride post. But then, I realized I don’t love it enough to give it a post of its own.
What I loved more was the vineyard’s location. Talk about stunning scenery on a gorgeous Spring day.

The few wineries we’ve visited in Virginia really are in gorgeous locations. Even if you’re not an oenophile — yes, I had to Google “someone who loves wine” — some Virginia vineyards are worth a visit.
Of course, there’s a LOVE I’ll never forget. My Hubby. 🙂
Look what arrived yesterday.

He is still having a fabulous time. 🙂
What a lovely post!
Thanks, Annelies.
That second photo is fantastic!
Thanks, Richard. I really didn’t try very hard, which is one of those things that makes it even more memorable. As we walked to the little park, Gaige, who is a very energetic guy, was talking a mile a minute and skipping (either as punishment or for a fitness challenge, I can’t remember which). I was admiring the sky. When we got to the park, I told Gaige I was going to take pics of him jumping, sent him running off to a good spot, told him to jump, and I started shooting. The light was just right. And I had a cute little guy, more than happy to jump for me. 🙂
Wonderful post friend.
And beautiful photo of Gaige.
What is life without love? Sad, I’d say. A beautiful post.
So nice that Mike sent you flowers. Don’t you love being in love?
Awesome photos today! I’d forgotten about that pic of Gaige – such a great shot!
I love it all! It’s what life is all about.
Thanks, Shan. It’s one of my all-time favorite captures.
One can never have too much love, right?