It always, ALWAYS takes forever to get through February. And this year, there are 29 days!
A year or so ago, a blog friend issued a blogger challenge, which helped the month go by faster. And it was actually fun. So I figured I’d throw down the gauntlet and challenge fellow bloggers this year. Of course, most bloggers I know are moto bloggers, but any bloggers can participate.
Better yet… there are NO rules! The idea is to post daily, addressing the theme that coincides with that day’s date. But if you have to play catchup, no problem!
You can use images and/or pics to address the themes. Be creative.
Add your name in the comments, and the address you want me to use for the link. I’ll update this post to include a list of participants, with links to each blog, so you can see who else was brave enough to take on the challenge.
If no one else is interested, I’ll just be a huge dork and do it on my own.
1. All About You (pics and/or words)
2. An everyday item in your house
3. Today
4. Misused and/or mispronounced word or words that make you CRAZY.
5. Name a place you want to visit this year. Why?
6. Your age
7. A daydream
8. The weather.
9. Favorite shoes.
10. A story you love to tell.
11. What are you thankful for today?
12. What event are you currently looking most forward to?
13. Share a photo of your motorcycle (or car) taken on the same day you write your post.
14. Image of someone that you love (pets count as people, but I promise not to share a dog pic!)
15. Describe your dinner (you can share a pic, too).
16. Stupid, weird, or silly thing you did today, on purpose or accidentally.
17. Share an animal image and explain the rationale behind your choice.
18. Fruit
19. Favorite snack food.
20. Your best friend.
21. Best book ever (or at least a really good one!)
22. Map or GPS
23. Meaning behind your blog name.
24. Photo of your handwriting (use longhand/cursive!)
25. Spice
26. How you make a living.
27. Selfie, captured specifically for your post
28. Childhood photo
29. The first song that comes into your head and why.
That’s it. Easy peasy. Who wants to join the fun (or submit to some novel torture)?
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Sure, I’m game…
W00T! W00T! Insky!
Interesting prompts. It’ll be challenging to find a moto-thread for all of them but Im gonna give that a whirl. Sorta. maybe.
4. Misused and/or mispronounced word or wordss that make you CRAZY. 😉
Yay, Fuzzy! You can make your own rules. It doesn’t HAVE to be moto related. But then, what else do we think of in February? LOL. Moto trips, moto accessories, moto clothes…
I made a fix. LOL. I’m glad you’re joining the fun.
Fun idea. Hope it catches on!
Me, too. It’ll be interesting. I’d love to have you join in, but understand if you can’t.
I’m afraid I’d go bonkers trying to keep pace with y’all, so I’ll just enjoy the madness from the sidelines. 🙂
It is a lot to ask. But no one says they have to be long posts.
I’m with Ry. I don’t think my brain could keep up in posting every day and I’ll probably have a hard enough time keeping up with reading them all.
I did the 29 in 29 a few years ago. It was tough when working full time, etc.
I could NOT remember the name of that for the life of me. 29in 29! Was it four years ago!?!
Part of the inspiration for me was to force me to log on with my actual computer, as opposed to my phone, so I can read AND comment. I don’t have a lot of luck commenting by phone. Plus, there are so many pics, they deserve to be seen on the “big screen”!
If I use my computer more, I’ll read everyone’s blogs more. I feel like I have been very neglectful.
Of course, I didn’t stop to think, “Hey, you have a really busy work week or two ahead of you. The boss is going on vacation, remember?” Sigh…
Well, since the coming month promises to be a hectic one at work, and there’s much to do at home, I guess I’ll have to jump in and try to do 29 posts in 29 days. I’ve always felt pressure produces and best work…
Count me in!
Steve Williams
Scooter in the Sticks
Bravo! I bet you, like me, struggle to keep them brief. Not that they HAVE to be brief, but long posts take time. I’m going to have ahectic couple of weeks at work, too. Luckily, being able to play catch-up is built into the rules. LOL.
This is a fun idea! I’ll play along. Kudos and thanks to FuzzyGalore for turning me on to this.
Great, Mark! Sorry for the delayed approval. It’s been a hectic day at the office. I’m glad you’re joining in and look forward to getting to know you!
At first I thought it would be insanely impossible, but on second thought, I’m in too.