So, when I learned of a dog transport passing through this area, I figured I could multi-task again. I could help transport the dog AND drive to Blackwater.

Originally, I was supposed to take Ellie from Warrenton to the other side of DC. But I figured if I carried her to the Eastern Shore of Maryland, the folks on the NJ end might appreciate traversing ruralish highways instead of Interstate 95.
I was right. đ

So, after handing Ellie off to her foster parents in Queenstown, MD, I drove about another hour to Blackwater.

It was around 3:00 when I got there, and there wasn’t a whole lot of daylight remaining.
Unfortunately, there were few Snow Geese to be found. I did get lots of other cool pics, though, and quite a few crappy ones.
Before I share my captures, I will say this… I am no bird photographer. I take pictures of birds, but I don’t have the right equipment, i.e., a big-ass, expensive zoom lens and industrial-strength tripod, to capture technically good bird photos. I just take snapshots.
I also have to say that it was very windy and cold there yesterday. Temps hovered around 40 degrees F (about 4.5 C), but the wind made it feel much colder. The wind also wreaked havoc on my focus. Using a zoom lens requires a tripod and/or a very steady hand. Although I had taken the tripod along, I didn’t bother setting it up because of said wind.
The first set of pics was taken with my point-and-shoot camera.

Blackwater — a tidal wetland — is a pretty place.

I really like my captures of this pattern in the ice. I’d hoped the folks at the visitors’ center could explain how it was created, but they were equally intrigued.

My point-and-shoot — a Canon G16 — is a higher-end camera, and it has pretty good zoom capabilities, but digital zoom is only good if the light is bright and the camera is very still. Remember, it was windy. And daylight was fading fast during my visit.
The pics shared below were all taken with my DSLR camera, equipped with a zoom lens.

I like how you can also see the bird’s feet in the second picture.
I saw quite a few herons yesterday.

This guy (or gal?) was kind enough to land right in front of my car.

I stopped at the visitors’ center for a potty break, to warm up, and to ask about the Snow Geese. I was starting to think they’d all flown north already (Blackwater is one of several over-wintering spots for them on the East Coast).
That’s where I captured this eagle shot, which I posted to FB with the caption, “Got really close to an eagle! That’s a phone pic, no filter.”

Of course, the prankster in me left a few important details out of that caption. It was a real, but dead, stuffed, and mounted, eagle in an exhibit.
The volunteers at the visitors’ center told me the Snow Geese were spending their day in nearby fields, off-refuge, eating. While there was still sufficient light, I set out to see the elusive Snow Geese.

After observing them for a bit, I drove back to the refuge, hoping maybe they’d return before dark.

Note, I did NOT say Canadian Geese. They’re CANADA Geese, people, not Canadian Geese. That’s one of my pet peeves when people talk about birds.

If you look at a larger version of this image (just click on the picture) you’ll see that its neck feathers were blowing in the wind.
I captured quite a few nice sunset shots, which I’ll share in a separate post.
The Snow Geese did return to the refuge, but not until after sunset. I DID capture a few shots with the point-and-shoot, but they were blurry.

The pics I captured during my previous visit are better. The first image shown below is a good pic from my visit in 2011, when I still had a separate moto blog.

It’s really pretty amazing to see — and hear! — hundreds of geese in flight. I guess if you like that sorta thing.
If you’re curious, here a link for more info on about Snow Geese. And here are some nice pics captured by someone else — found via Google — that clearly show Canada Geese beside a Snow Goose.
I must say, it was nice being out in the world for a change. I hope you enjoyed your virtual visit. đ
So glad you got to see a few of the snow geese…
Me, too, but a sizable flock during bright daylight would’ve made my day. It was still a good trip, though.
That really is a curious pattern in the ice, ToadMama. At a glance it looks symmetrical, but closer inspection proves otherwise. I wonder if there’s a “warm” spring in that spot, eroding the ice from beneath.
Maybe a CanadIAN đ goose pulled a kamikaze there at freeze-up.
Alert the X-Files!
Ry, the warm spring is a good theory, but there were other similar patterns nearby. My theory is that a long-legged wader, like a heron, plopped into the water when it was just barely frozen, then waded back and forth a bit.
More likely than a warm spot, but still not very solid science. đ