I meant it, too, from the bottom of my heart.
Why then are there 22 unanswered comments in my box waiting to be acknowledged? Because I’m a schmuck, I guess.
Actually, I’d been feeling pretty good. Until this morning when I just happened to look at my SPAM folder and see all of your comments sitting there, ignored.
Who looks at their spam folder? And why did the comment e-mails — that’s how I know when you comment — all of a sudden start getting routed there?
I love your comments. And I do appreciate them. So I’d better get on the ball and answer them, eh?
Sorry, folks.
Other than my e-mail being misdirected, all is well. 🙂
I guess the Internet figured that you needed a break from email. And the Internet knows best…
(Or is that Google?)
Google, or G-mail, to be more specific. Keeping me on my toes.
I always check the google spam filters in blogger. Well, always as in about once a week. 99.9% of it is always anonymous spam. Rarely any actual comments.
So how were you to know your spam filter had real comments in it?
B, it wasn’t the blog spam filter, but my e-mail filter. I guess G-mail changed some settings, which sent my blog comments to Spam. Sometimes, technology is too “smart.”