I’m A Schmuck. Forgive Me?

At the end of my last post, I said, “…in case I haven’t told you lately, I appreciate each and every one of you. Thanks for following. Really.”

I meant it, too, from the bottom of my heart.

Why then are there 22 unanswered comments in my box waiting to be acknowledged? Because I’m a schmuck, I guess.


Actually, I’d been feeling pretty good. Until this morning when I just happened to look at my SPAM folder and see all of your comments sitting there, ignored.

Who looks at their spam folder? And why did the comment e-mails — that’s how I know when you comment — all of a sudden start getting routed there?

I love your comments. And I do appreciate them. So I’d better get on the ball and answer them, eh?

Sorry, folks.

Other than my e-mail being misdirected, all is well. 🙂

4 Replies to “I’m A Schmuck. Forgive Me?”

  1. I always check the google spam filters in blogger. Well, always as in about once a week. 99.9% of it is always anonymous spam. Rarely any actual comments.

    So how were you to know your spam filter had real comments in it?

    1. B, it wasn’t the blog spam filter, but my e-mail filter. I guess G-mail changed some settings, which sent my blog comments to Spam. Sometimes, technology is too “smart.”

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