Our time in Washington went by way too fast. But isn’t that always the case when you are enjoying yourself immensely?
Eric (youngest kid) and his wife Kelsey weren’t able to join us in Washington. Shannon (eldest) and her boyfriend, Chris, flew up from San Diego for the weekend. Amy’s husband, TJ, had to work during the day on Saturday and Sunday (he’s in the Army), but we did get to see him in the evenings.
We didn’t do a whole lot besides hang out and enjoy each other’s company both days. It was awesome.
We didn’t need to do anything, really, besides just relax, chat, laugh, carry on a bit, etc. It was perfect. Especially since we all live so far away from each other. I would never be one of those parents who insist that their kids stay close geographically just for the parent’s sake. I am a firm believer that your children, when they are adults, need to make their own places in the world. I do miss all of them, as does Hubby, but we try not to dwell on it.

I, of course, had to walk around taking pictures. Who else is going to document events like this?

I couldn’t help but smile at Joey’s creations.

Meanwhile, back downstairs…

I’m not sure if that’s a Rose of Sharon tree (in their front yard), but it sure is pretty. Especially with the blue-sky backdrop.
Since the sky was so clear, I decided to borrow Amy’s car and drive about seven minutes to a place from which I know Mount Rainier is easily seen. I never get tired of seeing that mountain.

Yes, I zoomed in to capture that photo. The mountain is not as close as it appears. Also, I was sort of shooting into the sun, which is why the sky behind the mountain looks so gray.
Saying “the mountain is out” (referring to Mount Rainier) is the local way of saying it’s a pretty day.
When I got back to the house, I was tickled to see Amy sewing.

She apparently also favors using a machine that was built before she was born. (She borrowed the 70’s era machine from a neighbor friend.)

Joe did have a baseball game in the early afternoon, so we all went to watch. Brianna had lacrosse practice, too.

That little guy LOVES baseball.

He’s very focused, can you tell?

After the sports stuff, Shannon, Amy and I did some shopping for lunch and dinner fixin’s, adult beverages, and some other local specialty items.

Then, after lunch, we got to sit outside and test TJ’s special beer coozies.

The hand-shaped coozies were fun, but wouldn’t a Sasquatch hand be REALLY cool to have? And fitting, given the area.
The next day, Joey made chocolate-chip pancakes for Hubby and I to celebrate our 23rd wedding anniversary.

We had to get a family photo or two. I’ve always been able to get the kids to pose nicely by letting them do a goofy shot or two at the end of the session. Chris wasn’t used to that. LOL. The goofy shots often end up being some of my favorites.

Later, Shannon and I decided to walk to the park to watch the sunset.

I absolutely love those orange azaleas, which Shannon and I saw during our walk to Sunset Park. Yes, that’s really the name of the park.

The sunset wasn’t anything extra-special, but we did get a nice view of the mountain bathed in the late-afternoon light.

It wasn’t long after that when Shannon and Chris had to head to the airport. 🙁
All-in-all, it was a great weekend, even if it was far too short!
Hubby and I have certainly been blessed in so many ways.
Great pictures! I am so glad you got to spend time with at least two of your kiddos for your anniversary.
And chocolate chip pancakes….yummers.
Thanks. Me, too. It was a coincidence that the trip included our anniversary, but it did make it extra sweet.
“Local specialty items” tee hee. 🙂 But you got the days mixed up! We went to Sunset Park on Saturday, but we didn’t leave until Sunday.
You are blessed indeed! What a wonderful visit, and it looks like you have a really fun family.
The pictures were gorgeous, especially the azaleas and Mount Ranier…love them!