BBBC #16 – Stupid, Weird, or Silly

Yet another prompt that doesn’t lend itself to a let’s-do-this-first-thing-in-the-morning sorta plan.

“Stupid, weird, or silly thing you did today, on purpose or accidentally.”

Sadly, I didn’t do one thing today that would qualify as stupid, weird, or silly.

But I did see a fun picture on Facebook that I snagged to modify for my own purpose.


I put “Blog” where “imaginary” used to be. Because I know you all are real people.

I guess some might find that image stupid, weird, and/or silly, but I thought it cried out to be added to my blog as soon as it popped up on my screen.

I’m still behind on my reading. I hope to catch up with everyone soon.

Oh, hey, by the way… the month is half over already. 🙂


See how other BBBC 2016 participants
interpreted today’s prompt.

How did the other brave, bold bloggers respond and/or interpret this daily challenge? See for yourself!

  • Richard of Richard’s Page
  • Rachael (aka Fuzzy) of
  • Steve of Scooter In The Sticks
  • Mark of
  • David of Life on Two Wheels
  • Dar aka Princess Scooterpie

If there’s no link in the above list, that blogger hadn’t yet posted at the time of my writing. I’ll do an update as soon as I can. You can always use the link to each blogger’s home page in the list provided below.

BBBC # 15 – Dinner

I had very good intentions yesterday morning. Computer in lap, I was poised to write my prompted post of the day, only to discover that I was supposed to describe my dinner.

WTF? I hadn’t even thought of breakfast yet. Who came up with these stupid prompts anyway?

And then, when dinnertime did roll around, I almost forgot about the who picture thing, which is why you only get to see this half-eaten bowl of soup.

Zuppa Tuscany
Zuppa Tuscany

Or is it half uneaten? You decide.

My busy streak at work continues. Yesterday was another long one. It wasn’t necessarily bad. It’s just that I had to use my brain, like, all day long.

So, even though the weather was crappy, I decided to take the dogs for their customary evening walk. I knew they needed the break. To be honest, I did, too.

We’d gotten several inches of snow earlier in the day. By late afternoon, the falling precipitation had turned to freezing rain. So things were a bit slick.


By some miracle, I managed to stay upright. It was actually sort of fun.

I got to leave my mark all over town, too.


I wonder if anyone will notice.


This Year’s Brave, Bold Bloggers…

Be sure to visit their blogs to see how each interpreted this challenge.

BBBC #14 – Images of Love

Every day is Valentine’s Day at my house. In saying that, I don’t mean to imply that people shouldn’t celebrate Valentine’s Day. I also don’t mean folks who don’t feel the same way are in any way inferior, less happy, not loved as much, etc.

Many years ago, when we were first married and had three kids at home, money was tight. Hubby and I agreed that it seemed wasteful to spend money we didn’t have on a day designated by others as a day to express your love. We’ve stuck to that routine, even though we have more disposable income, because we express our love daily, in words AND in actions.

Plus, I’ve never been one to do something just because someone says I should. 🙂

I do realize the prompt is “image” of someone that you love, as in ONE image, but I want to share more.


That’s one of my favorite captures of Mike. I’m not sure exactly why, and he probably won’t like that I chose that one. He doesn’t look happy, but he doesn’t look unhappy either. He just looks deep in thought, as if he’s pondering the world around him. (It was 2008. We were on a boat in Kenai Fjords National Park, looking at and listening to a big glacier. That’s a lot to ponder.)


That’s another favorite. It was taken on August 26, 2014. He’d just arrived with his brand-spanking-new Victory. The dealership is about two hours away. That’s the image of happiness, isn’t it?

Amy's wedding day.
Amy’s wedding day.

The image immediately above was taken on Amy’s wedding day. He’d just seen her in her dress for the first time. Everyone knew he would cry.

That’s something else I love about Mike. He’s a sentimental guy, and he’s not afraid to show it.

This post has turned into a very time-consuming search through the network photo archive. And I’m still catching-up on a number of chores and such.

This video, from CBS Sunday Morning, perfectly sums up how I feel about Valentine’s Day.

I hope you and those you love have a fabulous day!

This Year’s Brave, Bold Bloggers…

Be sure to visit their blogs to see how each interpreted this challenge.

BBBC #13 – Your Bike Today

My bike is parked in the garage. Temps in these parts are still on the cold side.

Hubby’s bike on left, behind the snowblower.

Really cold. It was 22 F (about -5 C) at about 3:30 p.m. when I walked the dogs. But the wind chill was -7 F (about -14 C).

We are not used to that weather.

We had a dusting of snow overnight, too. You can see it on the driveway in that first pic. More was forecast, so they spread salt on the roads again.

Salt on the road.

Now, even if it does warm up, we have to wait for the salt to get washed away again. Sigh.

That’s okay. My bike is parked safely in the garage.

Looking forward to warmer days.

Spring will be here soon enough.

This Year’s Brave, Bold Bloggers…

Be sure to visit their blogs to see how each interpreted this challenge.

BBBC #10-12 Catch-up

I decided to do one catch-up post.

# 12 – What event are you currently looking most forward to?

This prompt is like the “trip” prompt. There are several events coming up, and I am looking forward to all of them. But I guess it’s fair to saying I am currently looking most forward to my annual girlfriend getaway.

I’ll be in Pennsylvania in two weeks. With these ladies.

L-R, Tracey, Carol, and Me

I’ve known them both since I was a kid. Around 40 years? Hard to remember, exactly. I just know it’s been a LONG time. I think this year will be the 22nd year we’ve done an annual getaway.

Four days of fun, food, fun, shopping, and no one to answer to but ourselves. I am really looking forward to it. Really.

# 11 – What are you thankful for today?

Hmmm. I’m thankful for my girlfriends. As evidenced by my response to Prompt #12. I’m thankful for all of my friends, actually.


I’m also thankful for my Hubby. I sure lucked out with that selection. He’s the kind of guy who doesn’t just pick any old birthday card because he is simply meeting an obligation. He spends a long time reading a bunch of cards until he picks just the right one. You know, the one that lets me know how much he really loves me. And I love him right back.

I’m thanful for my kids, too. Furkids included.


Yes, I know I share a lot of dog pictures. But they make me laugh.

Which brings me to the final thing I’m thankful for… LAUGHTER. It really is the best medicine. It’s also something the girlfriends, Hubby, kids, and furkids keep my life filled with.

# 10 – A story you love to tell.

I thought long and hard about this one. I have lots of fun stories. But I wanted to share something moto-related. There are actually two funny stories with a motorcycle theme.

The first involves the motorcycle safety training class that Hubby and I took together back in late 2000. It was held at the Department of Motor Vehicles in Glen Burnie, Maryland, a suburb of Baltimore. I think about half of our classmates were African American.

Our instructor was this cute little white guy from Minnesota. Or maybe it was Wisconsin? I don’t remember exactly, but I do know it was one of those Midwestern states where the people have an unusual accent. So the way he said some of his words was interesting and definitely different.

We were in the classroom, doing this exercise where he asked the class to name normal, everyday things that posed road hazards. When someone gave an answer, he’d write in on a chalkboard. Or whiteboard. The list got pretty long. He kept saying we were forgetting something, and kept giving clues like, “There’s a lot of it around Baltimore. It’s all over the place. It can be dangerous. Really important to watch out for. Sometimes it can jump out at you if you’re not paying attention.” Etcetera.

Finally, he gave up on us and said it himself. He said what everyone in the class thought was… BLACK GUYS.

There was quite an uproar. He looked confused, but wrote his words on the board anyway.


The uproar turned to laughter. He was definitely perplexed, so we had to explain to him what we thought he’d said. We all got quite a chuckle out of THAT one.


The second story is much shorter. It’s a snippet of conversation I overheard one day while in a visitors’ center gift shop along Skyline Drive. The nice volunteer manning the cash register — an older lady (close to elderly, but not quite) — was chatting with another visitor about speeding along the Drive. She told him most people obey the 35 mph speed limit, which is strictly enforced. Most people except the young kids riding those CROCK ROTCHETS.

I can’t unhear that one. From that day forward, I’ve thought of sportbikes as crock rotchets.

This Year’s Brave, Bold Bloggers…

Be sure to visit their blogs to see how each interpreted this challenge.

BBBC Update

One Hot ToadMama
One Hot ToadMama

Yes, I have faltered. I am behind on my BBBC posts.

But you know what’s worse? My buddy Dar joined the party on Sunday, February 7 and I didn’t realize it until Wednesday, February 10.

Sorry, Dar! I have now added you to the list.

Here are the links to Dar’s posts, in case you missed them, too:

This weekend, I’ll be playing catchup on writing my own posts and reading what everyone else has been up to.

It has been a mentally challenging week. Not bad, as in “oh em gee, I’m losing my mind,” just a crazy work load thanks to not one, but TWO bosses being off vacationing. I’m not complaining, they both work really hard and deserve the break.

Nothing like the absence of people who are usually around to make the tough decisions to make one — me! — appreciate what they have to deal with on a daily basis.

Anyway… I survived. Hopefully, I’ll get all caught up over the next day and a half so life can get back to its regular routine.