Slowly But Surely

Some of you may remember that the last time we visited the WV Place, K found some “treasure” buried in the snow.

One Turtle, Safely Out of the Dogs' Reach

For those who don’t remember, she dug up a box turtle. I am pretty sure it was dead, but I didn’t want the dogs eating it so I stashed it somewhere safely out of their reach.

Later, when I told Hubby the story, he said it was probably hibernating. And he said that poor turtle was going to wake up come Spring, find himself upside down in a tree and wonder what the heck kind of mischief he’d been into before nodding off to sleep.

I still think it was dead. Its face was all dried up and shriveled looking.

But how many times do you think that turtle crossed my mind over the last couple of weeks? I didn’t count, but I thought of him a lot. Especially after a friend’s husband, upon hearing the story, said he too thought the thing was hibernating.

I was sure all the crazy winds we had a week or so ago would’ve knocked the turtle out of that tree. So imagine my surprise last night when Belle discovered the turtle STILL in the tree.

Dead or Hibernating? You Be the Judge.

And he looks exactly the same way he did when I put him there.

He’s dead, I tell you.

But just to make sure, I’m going to take him down and put him somewhere safe where the girls can’t dig him up so we can see what happens to him.

On another note… the girls were sure glad to get back to the WV place.

K and Belle Running Together

Is there any doubt these two are buddies?

So Much to Sniff, So Little Time

K just loves walking around sniffing everything.

Wait for Me!

Belle loves running. I mean, she really loves it. Everywhere she goes, she runs. Here she is running to catch up with K and me. Meg had already ditched us to go visit Buddy.

Perfectly Healthy Pine Tree

I was really happy to see this pine tree survived this season’s multiple snowstorms. It’s an important tree. Not only did it shelter a bunch of deer (or a few deer for a bunch of days) during the blizzards, it is also a favorite hangout for the various little birds that live in the woods around here.

The Three Amigos

K was doing so good sticking with us that we stayed out walking for about an hour. Well, Belle was running. K and I were walking. Though K was walking fast, wide circles around me sniffing everything.

This was the scene at our place shortly after we got back from our adventure…


There’s still snow on the ground here. It’s melting slowly, but surely. Maybe by the next time we come for a visit it will all be gone. Time will tell, I guess.