You Capture – Doorways

This week’s You Capture theme was Doorways.

I don’t get out much. And the places I do go don’t have very photogenic doors. But I tried.

This image may have little if any photographic merit, but it means something to me.

Doggie Door

This is the most-used door at the WV place. The dogs LOVE it there. Can you tell?

I was going to drive into town, walk around, and shoot some doors, but it was just too cold. So that’s my one lame attempt at a doorway shot.

I did get a couple of other pictures I can share.


I like this picture because it captured the footprints left by me and my three crazy dogs. I enjoy our walks. I do. But they LOVE them. Really.

Self Portrait (sort of)

And look, a self portrait!

I know none of these shots will win any awards or anything. But I didn’t want to be completely lame and not post anything.

I’m sure you see much more interesting stuff by following some of the links on Beth’s You Capture page.

Oh yeah, I took this picture while trying to get a doorway shot, too.

I get points for trying, right?

You Capture – Holiday Magic (or Light)

My attempt at capturing holiday magic (or light) for this week’s You Capture was lame.

But at least I tried.

I tried to cheat and capture magic and light together. I didn’t have much success.

Simple Yet Effective

We keep outdoor holiday light displays at our house simple.

White candles in the windows, bows on the outdoor light fixtures, and a pair of reindeer with an empty sleigh.

I love the way it looks. I just didn’t have much luck capturing it for y’all to see.

Here’s the same shot framed with a texture.

Same image, framed.

To see what I am sure are far more interesting magic and/or light captures, visit Beth’s Blog.

You Capture – Inspire

This week’s You Capture prompt was “What inspires you?”

I almost didn’t participate because I was thinking along the lines of WHO inspires me. And I haven’t left the house pretty much all week. Not that no one around here ever inspires me, it’s just that photo ops of people around here have been a bit limited.

As I grabbed my camera before heading out to the back yard to hunt for dog poop this morning, a light bulb went off. Why would I carry my camera on poo patrol? I guess you could say my dogs inspire me to keep the camera at hand during even the most unpleasant of tasks. Because you never know when you’ll catch them doing something a bit odd. Like trying to see what just landed atop the grill (a leaf).

That’s when I realized it would be okay to share some of the pictures I shot this week even if I didn’t snap them specifically with You Capture in mind.

Nosy Girls

My dogs make me laugh. So I like to try and capture these odd moments.

Meg, chillin' under the burning bush.

Seeing Meg with her dark nutmeg colors laying behind the bright-red burning bush caught my eye here.


That same bush made a nice backdrop for this shot of K.

Center of Attention

I liked the colors so much, I decided a close-up was in order.


Then there’s this shot I got when Belle wasn’t paying attention. She doesn’t like having her picture taken and usually squints when I ask her to pose. Seriously.

Too bad she’s got a mouthful of dog toy…

I also try to keep a camera nearby while I’m working. Because one never knows what odd positions Meg will contort herself into as she dozes in her favorite bed.


To see what inspires fellow You Capture participants, be sure to VISIT BETH’s BLOG and follow some of the various links other photographers have shared this week.

You Capture – “One Shot”

I’ve only been participating sporadically in Beth’s You Capture meme for various reasons, none of which are very interesting. So I’ll spare you and just move on to this week. The theme was “one shot.” The point of that being, show off the one picture you have taken that you think is best.

I didn’t shoot with this theme in mind. Instead, I looked back over the pictures I took last week and picked the one I wanted to share.

Not an easy task, I assure you. Especially with all the grandkid shots from our long holiday weekend!

But I did it. You know what’s weird, though? There’s nothing particularly artsy about this image. I didn’t crop it or anything. Although I did make it a tad bit darker.It’s not even one of the images I deemed good enough to share with the other images in the aforementioned post. But every time I look at that directory full of pics, I keep stopping at this one shot. So I decided THIS must be the one to share.

My youngest grandson, Joey, who is almost three was sitting outside our WV cabin in the woods with a small cooler, two buckets full of water, a wooden spoon, a ladle, and an empty plastic box. It was pretty hot that day, so I just planted myself in one of the rocking chairs on our shady porch and watched.

Who knew watching a toddler play with water could be so much fun? I am NOT being sarcastic either. I had a blast! That must be age creeping in on me.

After putting some small gravel and one large rock into the plastic box, he began very methodically transferring some of the clean water from the cooler into the box using the soup ladle. The whole time he was doing this, he and I were chatting. After a little while he declared that he was making soup. (As you can see in this image from that other post, he was having a pretty good time.) When I asked him what kind of soup he was making, he thought about it and shrugged before telling me, “just regular soup.”

“Not rock soup?” I asked.

“No. Regular soup,” he insisted.

This image says so much to me that you probably don’t notice. The boy is methodical, I tell you. He did this whole water transfer thing very precisely, using only his left hand to manipulate the ladle while his right elbow rested on his knee.

He’s got quite a sense of humor, too, as evidenced by the impish little half-grin you can see on his face here, which is another reason I like this shot. That’s one expression that can only be captured on the fly. (Remember, this is the boy who has been trained for practically his entire life to say “cheese” when a camera is pointing at him.)

His collar is up for a reason. Not because old G (that’s me!) is stuck in the 80s when wearing polo shirts with upturned collars was cool, but because Joey was riding his “motorcycle” before cooking class with his heavy weapon hanging around his neck using a whistle lanyard (the only appropriate rope I could find). I put it under his collar so the string didn’t bite into his neck. Every time he pulled the weapon off, the string lifted the collar. I got tired of folding it back down. Plus, I think he looks he looks sort of cute with that upturned collar.

Maybe I am stuck in the 80s… (gasp!)

Anyway, before going through the hassle of finding something he could use to carry said weapon, I tried to be practical and suggest he just leave the gun at the house while he rode. That conversation went something like this:

“Joe, how about leaving your gun here while you ride your motorcycle?”

“No. My need it.”

“But we’re going to ride your motorcycle. Why do you need it?”

“My want to kill bad guys.”

If you’re confused by the “my” thing, read this post. I am only supposed to share one shot, but if you haven’t already seen the holiday weekend grandkid shots, you’ll probably get a chuckle out of this image, which shows the “taste testers” that were frustrating him only slightly during this soup-making process.

Finally, a totally unrelated story I have to share. Well, sort of unrelated. Remember that “my” thing? It cracks me up.

Saturday evening, Joey and his siblings were sitting in lawn chairs around the fire pit while Mommy and I gathered a little more wood about fifty feet away. (The fire wasn’t burning at that point.) We heard Joey yell and turned to see that the collapsible lawn chair he was sitting in had fallen over on its side with Joey still in it. We chuckled, kept talking, and walked slowly toward him (he was obviously uninjured).

“Unnhhh!” Joey groaned loudly.

“We’re coming, Joe,” Amy said. “Hold on.”

“Unnhhh!” he groaned again, squirming in frustration.

“My stuck!”

If only I’d had my camera in hand for that one…

You Capture – “Spring”

This week’s You Capture theme is Spring. I LOVE Spring, so of course I’m all over that one!

Turtles Basking in the Spring Sun

If you read my regular blog, you’ve probably already experienced my new fascination with turtles. Maybe I should’ve been TurtleMama?

Actually, I just love critters in general. But it does crack me up to see these turtles of all shapes and sizes lined up on logs soaking up the sun. That’s not pollution in the water. It’s pollen.

Turtles Dig Spring, Too!
Yep, Another Turtle...
The Final Turtle Pic

Check out this turtle picture I stumbled across on someone else’s Flickr site. Isn’t that one of the cutest things you have ever seen?

I actually posted the next two shots previously on my general blog, but I really like them both so am sharing them again here.

Variegated Weigela in My Backyard

If you happen to know the name of this honeysuckle, do tell. I love the uniqueness of its flowers. I bought and planted it years ago and for the life of me cannot remember what it is called.

Honeysuckle (any idea what kind?)

That’s it for my Spring You Capture. To see what others folks have captured, CLICK HERE.

Das Goat

This week’s You Capture theme was “a moment.”

I’ve been at the WV place with the dogs all week. My only moments involve me and/or the dogs.

Since I post lots of dog pics, there just didn’t seem to be any one moment that stood out.

Until I saw this picture, that is…

K Looking Like a Goat

That’s when I realized my dog looks like a goat.

Ignore Belle in her weird ass-in-the-air-bone-chewing position. Look at K, standing behind Belle.

Here’s a close-up.

Das Goat

See what I mean?

To see more what I’m sure are all way more creative than mine You Capture moments, CLICK HERE.