Maybe it just hasn’t seemed real enough to get all excited about. We’ve been talking about and planning it for a couple of years now, so it’s always sort of been that thing we’re going to do. Even after booking the trip and buying the plane tickets, it still just didn’t seem real.
Now, however, it seems real. Look what we each received in the mail yesterday…

We got a map! I LOVE maps. And a list of all the other folks that are on the tour (13 including us). That Touring Center Alps booklet is our itinerary. We also got some stickers, and some luggage tags. Some anti-fog stuff for our visors. Oh yeah, and a booklet explaining what the road signs mean.
It’s getting real now. 🙂
And check this out…

This will be my ride. It’s just so, so sporty.
Okay, that’s not the actual bike. But it is the model we’ll be riding (we’ll each have our own). I’m not sure what color I’ll get. I don’t really care about the color anyway.
Check out this map…

This side of the map is sort of an artist’s rendition of where we’re going to be riding. The green at the top is Germany. The green area at the bottom is Italy. The red check mark (which you’ll see better if you click on the image) shows the valley where we’ll be staying (Seefeld in Tirol, Austria). Switzerland is at the far left.
Oh yeah, I got the name of the hotel, too: Hotel Central Seefeld.
The wonderful trip coordinator, Doris, who said to me way back in November, “I am there for you!” has totally been there for me. She’s been extremely helpful. So much so that she even arranged train tickets for us, which she did not have to do (as in, that’s not her job). But I’m so glad she did, ’cause let me tell you, that train stuff is confusing for this ignorant American used to dealing with ONE train company… AMTRAK. There are lots of train companies in Europe with different routes, different connections, different purchase plans. Most of which are described in a language other than English.
We just happened to get our train tickets by e-mail yesterday, too. (Of course, they’re in German, so I just have to trust that they are the right thing!).
An entire week in the Alps. Awesome, eh? And while that’s good, that’s not the best part. The best part will be the second week of the trip when we get to visit with our friends in Switzerland and Belgium.
We’re getting excited now. Now, it’s starting to feel real. So real, in fact, that I need to start shopping for my own pair of ass-less leather chaps. Not like THOSE though (I couldn’t resist).
Like these… it’s a safety thing.