More From a WV Weekend

If you read my last post, you know I went to WV last weekend for a meet-up with my friend Fuzzy and her husband, Kenny.

1_WV WkndOddly enough, Mike had already planned on driving out there on Saturday with his truck to retrieve our loveseat, which we gave to his Mom. He said he could wrestle it into the truck himself. But since I was going to be there for a bit, he timed his arrival so that I could help him get it into the truck. But I’m getting ahead of myself…

When I first learned of Fuzzy’s (aka Rachael) visit, I figured I’d just ride out for the day. But then I realized that would have made for a LONG day. So I decided to have a little adventure and ride out on Friday night.

If you’re not a regular here, you may not know that we had a pipe freeze at the WV Place over the Winter. It made a mess, which we cleaned up. But the repair work couldn’t begin until after the place was thoroughly dried out. (The building of our WV Place is chronicled here, if you’re interested.)

Part of the clean-up process involved moving a bunch of stuff from the master bedroom, kitchen, and living room to the back bedrooms to get it out of the way of the workmen.

This is what the bedrooms looked like when I arrived.

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Rustic Accommodations

I knew that’s how we’d left them, but I’m a low-maintenance kinda girl and didn’t mind.

I just had to move some stuff out of the way and all was good.

While I waited for Rachael to call, I moseyed around the place and took some pictures.

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Happy to see the place still standing.


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Thermometer Has Seen Better Days


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Red-bellied Woodpecker


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Deer Leg in Tree (out of dogs’ reach)


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Dogwood with Blue-sky Backdrop


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Cute Bird


As I was getting ready for bed on Friday night, I noticed this…

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My First Quilt

That’s my very first quilt. A hand-tied lap throw.

All was fine on Friday evening.Sorry if you were expecting a horror story.

Saturday morning, Hubby arrived at about 7:30 with breakfast. He said he’d seen Rachel and Kenny on the way past there motel, but hadn’t stopped. I told him he should have.

“They don’t know me,” he said.

“They do,” I assured him. “They see my blog, just like we see Fuzzy’s.”

So, on the way home, he actually stopped to say hello. That’s how Hubby got to meet them, too. Even if he didn’t get to ride with us.

Here’s the final shot I’d like to share.

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Oreo Cows of North River Road

That’s my favorite herd of Oreo cows. I wonder if that farmer knows his cows are “famous”?

Not sure what all we’re doing this weekend, Hopefully something fun.

Have a good weekend, folks!