Out and About

IMG_0065I’ve been sticking pretty close to the home front lately.

Well, “close” is a bit of an understatement. I’ve been staying inside. A lot. No special reason other than it being winter and my having some craft projects to complete.

All is well otherwise.

I actually got out and walked the dogs during the day on Sunday. I took my camera along and thought I’d share some of the pics I captured.

Moody Winter Sky


Cool Reflection


Another Cool Reflection


That dog looks like a horse! Oh wait, it IS a horse.


Red Truck Bakery




Gotta love that ‘do!






More cuteness.


Cool sky.


Yet another cool reflection.


Dramatic Sky


K on the Hunt


View from the Old Courthouse steps.


Another view from the Old Courthouse.

That’s all. I hope you enjoyed the virtual visit.

11 Replies to “Out and About”

    1. Thanks, Richard. That church is at the end of my street, and the steeple often catches my eye, especially when we have interesting weather.

      No snow yet. It’s been unseasonably warm for a long time, but now it’s turned cold. Maybe we’ll get some white stuff yet.

  1. I wonder if horse-dog would fetch. Is horse-dog good with cats, or do they have to be horse-cats? Does horse-dog like to hang its head out the car window? Does horse-dog whinny, or bark–or does it whark? I have so many questions about horse-dog.

  2. Your home town looks like a movie set for every feel good movie I’ve ever seen. Thanks for the tour.

    I think that’s a seeing-eye horse. They are better than seeing-eye dogs, particularly because their lifespan is much longer. As a service animal they can go anywhere, even on planes. Another big plus is they don’t get distracted by squirrels or cats 🙂

  3. The first pic of the dramatic sky is my favorite. I am glad you got out for a walk. Seems like all we do lately is go to work then home. Weather hasn’t cooperated enough to get out much. And when the weather doesn’t cooperate, motivation levels are low.

  4. Late to the party/virtual tour, but had to let you know how much I enjoyed it! 🙂

    And the was most likely just a miniature horse. A very cute one, at that!

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