We’re not very exciting. But we like it that way. The whole point of the annual trip is to hang out and reconnect with friends. We’re not Moms, wives, daughters, sisters, etc. during that time. We’re just three girlfriends having a good time doing what we want to do when we want to do it.

Friday night, what we wanted to do was chill. So we did. Then bright and early on Saturday, we were back at the shopping thing.
Unfortunately, the room behind Tracey and I was occupied by a couple we think was auditioning for a porn movie. That’s what it sounded like, anyway. And at about 6:00 AM on Saturday, they were at it again. Unreal.
I capture that first image as I left to get some coffee. That was actually the view from our parking lot.

It was a bit later when I captured the second shot.

The buggy shot was from the motel parking lot, too.

I made the girls pose for a picture before we headed out for the day since we knew Tracey would be leaving around midday.

Tracey thought she was being sneaky taking a picture of me. So I took a picture of her taking a picture of me. I told you we’re exciting.

The barn is across the street from another one of our favorite places, The Olde Mill House Shoppes.

Lancaster County is very picturesque. It’s a great setting for a relaxing trip.

Carol and I happened to stop back at our motel on the way to dinner, so I was able to capture these cool sunset shots.

The weather was cold and blustery the entire time we were there.
Lancaster always seems to be windy. I assume it’s because there’s so much farm land and open space.

Sunday morning was the coldest day of them all. With the wind blowing, it was downright frigid as we loaded up our cars. And I’m a cold-weather girl.

I didn’t take nearly as many “action” shopping photos as I have in years past. Why? Because I have taken so many of them in years past. And we’ve been doing this for a LONG time.
Maybe, as I get things situated around the house, I’ll be able to reveal some of the stuff I purchased. I didn’t come home with any large treasures, but I did get lots of cool little home decor stuff. I did some Christmas shopping, too. Which means, I can’t reveal everything I bought.

All in all, it was a fabulous weekend. Except for the fact that it went by far too fast.
Girlfriends are some of life’s best treasures. Especially when you’ve know each other since you were kids. And your friends know your family personally. And your whole history. Even the not-so-attractive bits.
I am always thankful for my friends, old and new. But lifetime girlfriends are priceless treasures. I am very thankful that I have both of these wonderful ladies in my life. I’m glad we have all made the effort to get together on a regular basis, even if it is sometimes only once a year. It’s not always easy, or convenient, but it is always, ALWAYS worth it.
I love you both dearly and am already looking forward to our next rendezvous.
I love you too girlfriend.
It was a wonderful trip.
Boy you take such beautiful pictures.
I’m ready for our next trip too. 🙂
Some days it is a crap shoot with who is in the motel room next door. I remember having to change rooms at 3 am at a hotel in Seattle when we were there for the motorcycle show one year. So little sleep.
It looks like you three had a fabulous time. You are lucky that you have stayed in touch all this time.
Trace, thanks. 🙂
Brandy, I have never had such trouble in a hotel. It was crazy!
We all realize how lucky we are to have remained friends for so long. It takes a bit of work to organize things sometimes, and isn’t always convenient, but it really is worth it!
Awww, feel the love….feel the love!! LOL Well girls, I love you guys too! It’s hard to believe we all live in different states now, but like you said, it is always worth making the time to get together!