An Unexpected Surprise

Last weekend was supposed to have been my annual girlfriend getaway in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. It is something we all look forward to every year. Our lives are all very different, and we don’t always do a great job of staying in touch throughout the year, so it is always nice to get together over a long weekend and catch up. The fun shopping we usually do is just a bonus.

I actually made my hotel reservation months ago, using It’s one of the travel apps I use regularly to book travel. They offer discounted room rates for many hotels. The cheaper the rate, the more-restrictive the cancellation policy. The best rates are always non-refundable. It’s a bit of a gamble, but I knew I would never voluntarily cancel such a trip.

I booked before we knew K was sick. And, of course, we had no idea exactly when her time would come. The afternoon we said goodbye to K was supposed to have been my first day in Pennsylvania. I did call the hotel on Thursday morning to let them know I would not be there that night, but I did not say why. I also did not cancel my reservations for Friday and Saturday. There was a very small chance that I would still be able to go. It would have been a distraction, but, long story short, I couldn’t go. K’s passing was very hard on all of us. I did not want or need a distraction. In my mind, that would have just prolonged the really difficult phase of the grieving process. You know, the part where you have to deal with constant reminders that your loved one is gone as you all face your “normal” day without them.

I was going to give you some examples, but decided not to go down that sad path. Just suffice it to say it was really hard. I knew I had to face that gut-wrenching grief in order to  get past the really hard part. To be able to function again. K is gone. I really loved that dog. She will never be forgotten, but I cannot let myself wallow in misery. That is not me. I actually think some people like reliving those sad feelings. I do not know why. Maybe they feel like it justifies their love? Or that the ongoing grief proves they really did love a person or a pet. I have no idea. What I DO know is that I am not one of those people. I hate it. Grief drains me. I would much rather make a conscious effort, daily, NOT to be sad, than to let myself relive those sad feelings on a daily basis. But people are different. I do not miss K any less, I just choose not to dwell on missing her. I refuse to think of her in such a was that makes me cry every day. It doesn’t mean that I loved her any less, or that I don’t cry daily, it just means I refuse to torture myself. Life is too short to wallow in unhappiness. NOT thinking of her in a way that causes tears requires effort. And some days are definitely harder than others. But I will not be a wallower.

I tried to be strong for K in the days leading up to her death. I was partially successful. I didn’t want her final days to be full of sadness and tears. AFTER was another story. I won’t get into just how awful it all was, just trust me when I say it was bad. I really miss my girl. Going to Pennsylvania would not have helped anyone.

Yes, it sucked that I’d lose the money I’d spent on the hotel, but I figured those funds were gone regardless of whether I actually went or not.  I have used for a long time, and am well aware of its policies, so I didn’t even bother asking for a refund. I responded to an e-mail from asking me to rate my stay by saying I had not stayed at the property (I checked a box). When a follow-up e-mail arrived asking why I hadn’t stayed, I replied with, “My dog died. Really.” That was the end of my communication about that trip.

Imagine my surprise the other day when I noticed an e-mail in my in-box from my credit card provider mentioning a  credit to my account. When I actually opened that e-mail, I saw that it said “We want to let you know that a credit of $76.90 from CLARION INN STRASBURG INN posted to your account on 02/26/18. The funds are now available. You don’t need to do anything, but if you’d like to review this transaction in more detail, please sign in to your account.”

I thought to myself, “Aw, that was nice. They credited me for one of the nights.”

It was so unexpected that I really thought a mistake had been made. So a day later I decided to sign in to check and see if the credit had been reversed. Not only had the credit NOT been reversed, there were actually credits in my account for each of the three nights I had reserved.

How cool is that? I have no idea how it happened, or who is responsible. It would not have been up to the folks at, it had to be the people at The Historic Strasburg Inn (a Clarion property). I did not ask for a refund. I did not even bother to call and actually cancel any of the nights. I just assumed it was my loss. I guess they showed me!

I’m not sure if the decision came from Clarion or the folks at The Historic Strasburg Inn. I suspect it was the Inn’s management. Either way, my faith in humanity has certainly gotten a bit of a boost. They did not have to issue any refund. A refund of one day would have been appreciated. But they refunded ALL THREE DAYS.  They will certainly get my business in the future.

A Step in the Right Directon

It’s been a really rough couple of months around here, for many reasons. K’s declining health being the biggest, of course.


She is the third dog we have lost. I’ve loved them all, but they were all different. Losing K has been the hardest. Probably because we had a very special connection. Anyway… let’s not go back down THAT sad road.

I really just popped in to say we are all hanging in there. Mike, Belle, and I are all adjusting to life without K. It’s weird, but we are coping.

Fortunately, we have a lot of happy memories to look back on. It’s MUCH better to remember the happy, healthy K as we look ahead to the future.

We do have some fun stuff coming up. Later this week, I’ll be in Charlottesville, Virginia, where my employer is based, to help welcome a new employee. Things at work should be calming down, which is good. (They have been VERY patient with me.)

In March, we will be catching up with a couple of different friends, neither of which we’ve seen for a long time.

In April, I’ll be spending a weekend in Washington, DC with two friends, both are former co-workers. I rarely go to DC, and am looking forward to being able to see some new stuff as I play tour guide. I’ll have to do some studying first!

We’re each supposed to pick one thing we REALLY want to do while in DC. I chose to visit the National Cathedral.

Washington National Cathedral

I figure, I’ve seen tons of cathedrals in Europe, it’s about time I see one in the US.

Then in May, I’m going to Indiana to stay with the grand kids and pup so their parents can go on a trip. Parents need breaks, too. The youngest is almost 11, so I really just need to be there, feed them, and chauffeur them around to various athletic venues in the evenings. Hopefully we can do something fun on the weekends I’m there, when we are not at a sporting event.

Hubby has a long ride planned for the end of May. I haven’t planned any rides yet, but I think I should.

Any of you have fun trips planned for the year yet?

Looking Ahead

I’m not sure what happened to January. I mean, it FLEW past. For me, anyway. But then there’s a lot going on.

The pace at work may be leveling out, which is a very good thing. Maybe I can actually make some progress on the huge job-related to-do list. Having a lot of stuff hanging over your head that you know you really need to get done, stuff that will make your job easier in the long run, is stressful. Add that to the usual stress of the multiple, more-immediate deliverables. And the long hours.  It can become a bit of a powder keg. Hopefully I’ll survive, job intact.

K is still hanging in there, and we are still taking that whole situation one day at a time. Trying not to dwell on the sadness of it all so that her final time in her physical body is well-spent.

Now that February is here, it’s time to look ahead, focus on some positive stuff for a change. Looking ahead for me almost always involves travel plans. I went to visit my Dad last week, driving up Thursday night then coming home on Friday. Hubby stayed home with the girls so I didn’t have to worry.

Just a random pic from a previous adventure.

In a few weeks, I’ll be heading to Pennsylvania with a girlfriend or two for our annual getaway. Hopefully, two. Sadly, one of my friends has been dealing with some serious health issues.

In mid-March, we will all be heading to Maryland to help my MIL move into a new apartment. At the end of March, I’ll be meeting up with another girlfriend, somewhere between here and Wilmington, North Carolina.

From an old trip with Hubby.

We were supposed to go to Hawaii in April — our 25th wedding anniversary trip — but that’s been pushed back to September. Maybe we can squeeze in a long moto weekend to celebrate that milestone. Parties aren’t really our thing.


I have no idea what will come up after that. There wasn’t much on my agenda this time last year either, and I ended up getting around quite a bit. Although I did not make it to Mississippi as I’d planned.

Another pic from a previous ride.

I did have fun looking through old pictures this morning. Not “old” per se, just pics captured while on previous adventures.

I foresee many new, fun selfies in my near future.

If Hubby and I were owls.

Or maybe not.

I hope you are all well!


This new year has slithered in with an air of uncertainty. It seems to be hanging over me in a dark cloud. Decisions pending, some of which are life and death. Others may “only” be life-changing. Sigh.

I’m tired of adulting. Really.

But whining never helps anyone, does it?

There is some positive news. Sort of. K seems to be holding her own. It’s a real roller coaster, mentally. I know the worst is coming, I just don’t know when.

I’ve been taking the girls for walks, weather permitting. The other day it was 65 degrees! K is very excited to go, but walking tires her out. She’s never ready to head home until she’s REALLY tired. So, I could force her to turn around sooner, but she doesn’t want to stop.

She LOVES walking.

The way I look at it, we could keep her safely tucked away at home, making her rest and take it easy. Or, I could let her do the things she enjoys, taking one day at a time, until she absolutely cannot do those things anymore.

If I were K, I’d want to do what I love. So we walk.

It’s gut-wrenching.

L-R, K and Belle

For now, we will just continue taking things one day at a time.

Catch-up and Other Stuff


On April 24, I started this post, but never finished. The purpose was mainly to catch up and let y’all know I’d be leaving for my solo adventure on Saturday. As in LAST Saturday, April 29. But then I had the busiest work week ever, leading up to the trip, and never got around to finishing the post. So here it is…

Holy cow. How did it get to be so close to the end of April already?!? So much for me trying to get all of the 2016 vacation catalogued before my 2017 adventure begins.

It has almost been a month since my last post. On one hand, it feels uneventful. On the other hand, a lot has gone on.

Let’s see, there was the visit to my friend Tracey’s farm, which provided a chance for three friends to catch-up with each other AND an opportunity to meet, feed, and love-on four three-week-old baby goats.

That was followed by another brief trip to Charlottesville, Virginia, . where my employer’s headquarters is located. I got to enjoy some face-to-face time with existing co-workers and meet a few new ones.

There were a few weekends of yard work, each followed by five to six days of very sore and achy muscles.

We even managed to squeeze-in a motorcycle ride on Easter Sunday!

When I was blogging regularly, I could look back at a variety of posts as a reminder of what happened, when. I’ve lost that. Now, I have to rely on things like Instagram and Facebook. Of the two, I prefer Instagram. Its only downfall being that images are not dated. I have a love-hate relationship with Facebook. I love being able to keep up with friends and loved ones. I hate that there’s so much negativity. I’m torn between wanting to pull the plug on my Facebook account and maybe whittling down my list of “friends” to people I care about, with whom I share at least some sort of valid connection. There are many folks on that list who I rarely, if ever interact with. I suspect many of them probably have just unfollowed me (elected NOT to see any of my posts, often the last step before actually removing oneself from a friend list and/or severing the cord of friendship).

In other news, I learned a fun new word — pareidolia — after receiving an email from Ry (from Two Wheels to There) containing a link to a web page with a funny collection of images. In that case, the word refers to seeing faces in everyday objects, but it’s apparently an all-encompassing term to describe a “psychological phenomenon” wherein one perceives familiar patterns, like faces, where none exists. The image shared below is one of my favorites among a nice collection that made me laugh out loud on more than a few occasions.


There are lots of great pics on that page. You should check it out.

Finally, I am excited to say that I’ll be leaving on Saturday for my Big 50 Adventure. I figured I deserved to celebrate making it to my fiftieth birthday, and a solo adventure seemed like a great idea.

I’ve told y’all before that Hubby and I enjoy riding together, but we have different riding styles. He likes to cover long distances in short periods of time and I like to meander, stop often, and look at stuff. Oh, and take pictures, too.

Periodic solo trips are good for the soul. I’m not planning ahead either. All I know is that my first stop will be Monterey, Virginia (there’s a new LOVEwork there). I’ll plan the route as I go.

For those who are interested, there’ll be a Spotwalla Tracker Map. That’s how Hubby can keep an eye on me.

Nothing Feels Good

Random, fun image.

Tuesday was the first day in a long time that my workday ended with no future deadlines hanging over my head. After hitting SEND on Tuesday’s final deliverable, I pushed my chair back away from my desk thinking, “tomorrow, I have nothing due.”


It was awesome. It’s been a crazy-busy few weeks.

Nothing really does feel good.

Thats not to say I don’t have anything to do, just nothing that MUST be done Wednesday or Thursday.  Working under tight deadline pressure can be mentally exhausting. And I’m finding that the older I get, the harder it gets. Yes, I can still do it, but it’s draining. All-consuming.

Here’s an example of just how consuming. Last week, I was supposed to pull a homeless nine-month-old Brittany puppy named Gus from the local SPCA shelter. I was supposed to do it on Thursday, to be exact.

Thursday morning, out of the blue, two important work deadlines shifted. That meant I really had to hustle to get several things done much sooner than anticipated. I was working away Thursday afternoon, so focused on meeting those new deadlines, that I completely FORGOT to go get the puppy.

Okay, I didn’t forget, I lost track of time. But still. That’s just forgetfulness with a good reason.

What kind of person forgets a puppy!?!

I was mortified. What if he was handed over to someone else? His new family would have been devastated!

Luckily, he was still there on Friday. I showed up 30 minutes before they opened so I’d be the first person in line. All worked out, thank goodness. I really would have felt horrible if I hadn’t been able to bring him home. His new family had already planned to come pick him up Friday evening.

He was a cutie, but a handful. He weighed 40 pounds (same as my K), but was about eight inches taller than K, and about 10 inches taller than Belle. Both of my girls are petite Brittanys, and Gus is tall for a Britt. The difference was quite amusing.

He may have looked like an adult, but he was all puppy. He rarely sat still, and was quite mischievous.

This cracked me up. Accidental pic that looks like one of my selfies!


Belle was like, "WTF? Get this crazy boy out of here."
Belle was like, “WTF? Get this crazy boy out of here.”

K just stayed under my desk. LOL.

I picked him up at noon, and had a deadline to meet by the end of the day. Talk about adding a little extra stress.

Frog Legs!


Thank God I had a deer antler handy.
Thank God I had a deer antler handy.

Seriously, giving him something to chew saved the day.

What a cute face!
What a cute face!

Orange and white is the most-common color pattern for Brittanys. My girls are less-common.

He was much taller than my girls.
He was much taller than my girls.

He really wanted to play, but my grumpy old ladies were having no parts of that.

Grumpy Old Ladies

It made for an entertaining afternoon, but I wasn’t sorry to see him go. Especially since he went to a young, hunting family with a two year old Brittany sister for Gus. It’s a match made in Heaven for Gus.

And a happy ending for me. 🙂