Christmas 2008

From my family to yours…

Merry Christmas!

The shopping is done (mostly). And so is the wrapping (sort of). The cookies are baked (thanks to Mike). And Christmas is finally here.

This is the first Christmas Eve in many years where all of the kids were at our house. It was a bit hectic, but quite nice, if I do say so myself.

Pictured from left to right, there’s me; our youngest child, Eric (19); our oldest child, Shannon (30); our oldest grandchild, Brianna (8); our son-in-law, TJ (27); our youngest grandson, Joey (17 1/2 months); our middle child, Amy (27), and mother of our grandchildren; Mike (aka “Hubby”); and, front-and-center, our middle grandchild, Gaige (5).

It really was a very pleasant evening. I got some nice gifts tonight, and I’m sure I’ll get more gifts tomorrow. But the biggest and best gift for me is having all of these wonderful people in my life. I love them all dearly and can’t imagine life without them.

Guess Who is 8 Today?

Today is Brianna’s birthday. Yep, my oldest grandchild turned 8 years old today.

Where does the time go? Sigh…

I can’t wax rhapsodic about the birth of this one. Like me, Amy become a Mom to her oldest two children by marriage. So we really only met four years ago. But it feels much longer.

She’s such a sweet kid. She’s not only adorable, she’s smart and funny and loving, too.

And she’s always been a fabulous big sister. She takes that job very seriously. She always has.

I remember several years ago, when she was at my house. This was way before Joey, the baby, was born. Gaige was sleeping or something and I gave Brianna a cookie. I was about to put the jar away when she said, “What about Gaige? Him needs one, too.”

She tries to help out all the time, too. It’s not always helpful, but it’s the thought that counts. Her heart is in the right place.

One of my favorite Brianna stories is from about a year ago. Amy went off to Alabama on a Thursday to meet up with TJ who was there for some job-related training (he’s in the Army). The plan was for me to stay at Amy’s house with the kids that first night, take them to school/daycare on Friday, then home to my house that night, where Amy and TJ would pick them up on Sunday. (The above picture was taken mere moments before TJ and Amy arrived.)

All was going well on Thursday, or so I thought. After school/daycare, I played with the kids for a bit before starting dinner. I guess it was about 5:30 when I decided to start cooking. I was only making Hamburger Helper, so prep was no huge deal. Little did I know…

I’m not used to having three kids around (I’m getting better). Gaige, who was 4 at the time, was quite wound up. Brianna was talking my ear off (did I mention that she’s quite chatty?). And Joey was feeling a bit clingy, crawling around the kitchen as I was trying to get dinner cooked.

I finally sat Joey in a little bouncy chair and he was almost asleep when Gaige came running into the kitchen, roared very loudly like a pirate, and scared Joey half to death. Of course, Joey was startled, started screaming and demanded to be held. I yelled at Gaige, who then slunk dejectedly off to the living room.

It was right about then that Brianna asked for a snack. “I’m cooking dinner now, so no snack,” I told her.

She pouted off to join Gaige in the living room. I was holding Joey, continuing to prepare dinner when the phone rang. It was Amy calling to check in. She must have asked Brianna how she was doing.

“I’m HUNGRY,” I overheard Brianna say. “She hasn’t even fed us dinner yet. And she wouldn’t give me a snack today either!”

It was pretty funny. Amy had left really good instructions for Joey, but forgot to remind me that an after school snack was in order. And that the kids usually eat at 5:00 or so. Not 6:00-6:30, which is what time we ended up eating.

Anyway… Brianna is a wonderful little girl. She totally kicks my butt at the Memory card game. And she loves playing War (she beat me at that, too) and UNO. And she keeps a pretty good sense of humor about my ineptness as a grandparent. (I am getting better, I swear.)

The below picture, which Amy took earlier this year on her first day in second grade, shows just how grown up she’s getting. She may be 8 now, but the years are going to go fast. I hope to be around to enjoy every one.

Happy Birthday, Brianna!

Did You Miss Me?

So, I haven’t posted anything since last Thursday. It’s been five days. And no one, not one single person, said, “Why haven’t you updated your blog?”

Hmmm. Think that should tell me something? Like maybe I don’t have nearly as many faithful fans as I’d thought?

Oh well. I’m not easily discouraged. When it comes to doing creative stuff anyway. Especially when I actually have something interesting to write about and new pictures to share.

Hubby and I spent the weekend at the WV place with our three grandchildren.

There’s Brianna, who is going to turn eight at the end of December…

Then there’s Gaige, who turned five a month ago exactly.

And finally, Joey. At 16 months, he’s the baby of the bunch. But he’s hardly a baby anymore. He walks. He talks (a little). And he’s all about having a good time.

It was an interesting weekend. They kept Hubby and I hopping, that’s for sure! After spending any length of time with the three of them, we both wonder how our daughter, their mother, maintains her sanity. Especially since her Army husband has been off training for EIGHT months. Which in essence means she’s been a single mother of three.


Don’t get me wrong, they’re fabulous kids. But they, or at least one of them at any given time, require attention pretty much every single second that they are awake. I guess Hubby and I have just gotten soft in our old age.

Despite the chaos, we did manage to have a pretty good time. Check out this little video to see for yourself. It’s a low-resolution .mpeg. If you’d like to see the higher resolution version and have the patience (just under two minutes with a high-speed connection) to wait for the 16.7 mb .exe file to open, CLICK HERE.

Maybe I’ll share more details later. But only if I get some comments so I know people really are reading this.

Trick or Treat

Last night, Hubby and I made the trek north to hang out with Amy and kids while they did the trick or treat thing.

We can never seem to time our arrivals properly. Amy doesn’t live too far away, but to get there, we need to drive through the Harbor Tunnel and up I-95 during rush hour. The drive that should take 35-40 minutes, took us about an hour and 10 minutes. Because of traffic.

So, while we’d really, really hoped to get there in time to help get the kids suited up and get some decent photos in the daylight before they were exhausted, we didn’t make it.

That’s why they look a bit disheveled in the picture below.

But we still got to help out while they trick or treated. We actually went to Amy’s church where they had a huge outdoor “trick or trunk” party for the kids. People came, decorated their cars, and kids walked around the parking lot to get candy.

Amy’s church is HUGE. There were tons of people. I was amazed at how into it the people with the cars were. Cars were really decorated, people were dressed up and role-playing. It was cool. Some woman even brought her goats for the farm scene she had going.

She had baby goats with her that were really cute. This little one was smaller than my smallest cat.

We didn’t stay at the church long. Amy, who inherited her father’s “love” of large, noisy, chaotic masses of people, was getting a bit claustrophobic. So we headed back to her neighborhood for some good, old-fashioned, door-to-door trick or treating.

Even little Joey (a dinosaur), who is just under sixteen months old, was getting into it.

Hubby carried Joey from house to house, then handed him off to Amy to take him to the door.

You wouldn’t think a kid that small would trick or treat. But he’s got terrific older siblings as role models.

Speaking of older siblings, here are Brianna and Gaige back at the house, waiting for Amy to finish inspecting their goodies.

Joey, meanwhile, was helping with the inspection…

…and loving every minute of it.

I hope you had a fun night, too!

Oh yeah, if you’d like to see the rest of the pictures, you have to go to my Picasa album.

Fun With Images

I actually had another post planned for this evening. But after sitting around, playing with some Photoshop effects, I created this very cute image I just had to share.

Aren’t they just the cutest kids? They’re my grand kids. From left to right are Brianna (age 7 3/4), Gaige (just turned 5) and Joey (15 months).

Coincidentally, these images were taken a month ago on September’s Thirsty Third Thursday. That’s a holiday of sorts my daughters and I created. A girls night out, if you will. It happens once a month. On the third Thursday.

It just so happens that TODAY is Thirsty Third Thursday. Woo hoo!

By the way, that’s me on the left, Amy in the middle, and Shannon on the right.

We’ll just be hanging out at Amy’s place because Amy’s hubby is off learning how to be a better soldier, and we can’t leave those darling grandchildren of mine home alone.

It’s not about where we go though. It’s about who we are with. And talking girl talk. To catch up on happenings from the previous month. Things we can’t always discuss openly or even over the phone in case any of the males or children in our lives are eavesdropping.

So happy Thirsty Third Thursday!

Approaching Normalcy

Things are slowly but surely getting back to normal for me. That was quite a road trip I took!

Know how I can tell things are almost normal? I don’t have anything specific or special to write about. So I’ll just share a couple of things…

Our Youngest Grandson…

Joey, age 15 months, got to spend the night with us on Saturday. He’s cute as a button and sure kept us laughing.

In this picture, Joey and I were out in our backyard. Hubby, aka Pop, was in the house. Joey was waving to Pop.

My Most Frivolous Purchase

I didn’t spend much time shopping while I was in Maine. I did hit the grocery store a couple of times for snacks, which is where I discovered Wicked Whoopies. Whoopie pies, which I always thought were a Pennsylvania Dutch thing, are desserts consisting of some sweet, creamy icing sandwiched between two small, round, chocolate cakes. They’re usually 3 1/2 to 4 inches across.

Wicked Whoopies are slightly larger. They come in a bunch of different flavors, too. But what’s best, and what I found totally hysterical, is that they come in a jumbo size.

Here I am with my jumbo Wicked Whoopie. You can’t really appreciate the size while it is wrapped.

You can sort of appreciate the size of it in the above picture. But I think the close-up below gives you the best appreciation as to the size of this monster.

According to the label, it was 72 ounces. It was quite tasty, too. So tasty, in fact, I’m going to go have a hunk right now.